Bx - Business Networking Reimagined is a fun, social, dynamic and productive networking event, designed to help your business grow through referrals and business opportunities. There are thousands of networking meetings held annually across Australia, New Zealand, the United States plus multiple weekly online events. Come along as a guest or as a member, you can attend ANY and as MANY as you like! Bx is a linked-up business network where you can connect with hundreds of people, both in the room AND outside the room. We help you GET RESULTS in your networking. There are no minimum requirements or performance measures. Everyone just wants to help! Meetings are relaxed and friendly, there's structure to maximise networking...but not all the rules! 80% of the meeting is spent getting to know other business owners. We have a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere for you to get to know, and build strong working relationships with other professionals, in order for you to grow your revenue. At the end of the day, we understand MONEY TALKS and at Bx, we have a return on investment money-back guarantee from your membership and investment into Bx. We really are NETWORKING REIMAGINED! HERE'S HOW OUR BREAKFAST EVENTS RUN: 8.00am - 8.25am - Open Networking 8.25am - 9.05am - 40 Second Business Introductions 9.05am - 9.25am - Feature xCite Presentation by Member 9.25am - 9.55am - Three x 10-minute 1-2-1 Meetings Our breakfast events include an à la carte breakfast and barista-made coffee, and our lunch and dinner events, include an exceptional à la carte meal, available from our special Bx menu for each event. If you would like to find out more about Bx and our events, check out our website: https://bxnetworking.com/locations/ Come along to a Bx event near you and grow your business, meet great people, and take part in NETWORKING REIMAGINED!

Fare & Square 6/8 Wellington Square North Adelaide, SA 5006